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The Spirit of Will Eisner

The Spirit of Will Eisner

Per la mostra The Spirit of Will Eisner, ho curato lo styling degli spazi, inserendo elementi scenografici come ombrelli, tende e foglie, disposti in modo da evocare il movimento e il dinamismo caratteristici dei disegni di Eisner. Ogni dettaglio è stato attentamente studiato per creare un’atmosfera coinvolgente e in armonia con il linguaggio grafico dell’artista.

The Spirit of Will Eisner

For the exhibition The Spirit of Will Eisner, I worked as a stylist for the spaces, incorporating scenic elements such as umbrellas, drapes, and leaves, arranged to evoke the movement and dynamism characteristic of Eisner’s drawings. Every detail was carefully designed to create an immersive atmosphere in harmony with the artist’s graphic language.

stylistExhibition DesignArt ExhibitionMuseum DesignArt InstallationExhibit SetupSet DesignCuratorial DesignSimonifrancesco StudioInterior Design.mostrearteallestimentoeventi.
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